St. Patrick's Day has come and gone now, and before you know it, Easter will be coming sooner than we think. Already Spring has 'sprung'...only to find out that some parts north of us are still dealing with snow dreadful! I must share this amazing new way of making Corned Beef and Cabbage...Do Not Boil...seriously, even if the package says so!
I didn't have to google this recipe of mine...just practice, and the common sense of how to roast meats! Here are all the ingredients, that I already love to roast, or bake...but roasting is more appropriate, in fact on the newer models of the stoves there is an option for actual 'roast' selection and do take advantage of it if you can...if you don't have that option, a higher temperature of 425 degrees is the ideal temperature to use for the first 25 minutes will be a great help!

This is how it looks after the first 25 minutes on 425, plus an additional 30 minutes on 350 degrees temperature...but we're still not done roasting yet! As you can see, I even cut a nice chunk of the the corned beef off to sample for my sweet grandson who could not wait to enjoy this feast...still not quite done.
Accompanied by Gold Smashed Potatoes, (no dairy)...just some of the cooking water, and the pan juices used to smash them!d not so tender!
Irish Soda Bread is a must have for St. Patrick's Day, and I must admit this was a perfect combination...half of the bread was gone before the roast was even served. My daughter Lora made the bread this year, and with the raisins which we love so is called the 'Spotted Dog'...what a cute, and odd name for Irish Soda Bread! Link to my daughter's recipe...on Savoring Italy
Irish Soda Bread=Spotted Dog
Before I even go any further, I'm gonna share my recipe with you for the Roasted Corned Beef and Cabbage!
Roasted Corned Beef and Cabbage
source: by, Elisabeth
1- 3 to 3 and 1/2 lbs. Round Beef (with spices inc. in packet)
1 head of Cabbage quartered and core removed
1 or 2 sweet potatoes peeled and quartered
3 stalks of large carrots scraped
1 large sweet onion peeled, and cut in quarters
1 head of garlic with top cut off (optional)
2 cups from a (32 ozs Beef, or Vegetable Broth)
4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
Remove beef from plastic bag, wash and pat dry if bloody. In a 9x13 in. baking pan, or a small roasting pan, arrange the beef in the middle, empty the packet that has the seasoning spices, and rub it on top of the beef, patted down well, so it doesn't slide off. Sprinkle the extra virgin olive oil on top, and pat it down firmly. Arrange the vegetables around the pan, and also the garlic with the top cut off.
Sprinkle 1 Tblsp. of the oil on the garlic head and the rest, sprinkle around the vegetables. Add 1 cup of the broth around the vegetables, cover with Aluminum foil, and with a sharp knife slash some vents on the top of the foil.
Roast, or bake at preheated 425 degree oven for the first 25 minutes, remove the foil, and add the other 1 cup on top of the beef, and around the pan over the vegetables, but not the garlic. Lower temperature to 350 degrees...bake for another 30 minutes covered, and remove the aluminum foil....and bake for an additional 30 minutes uncovered until it gets a nice crust on the top and vegetables are roasted nicely. Let the roast rest for 15 minutes and slice across the grain. Serves 6-8 generously
Linking to:
Full Plate Thursday #372

This is how it looks after the first 25 minutes on 425, plus an additional 30 minutes on 350 degrees temperature...but we're still not done roasting yet! As you can see, I even cut a nice chunk of the the corned beef off to sample for my sweet grandson who could not wait to enjoy this feast...still not quite done.
Accompanied by Gold Smashed Potatoes, (no dairy)...just some of the cooking water, and the pan juices used to smash them!d not so tender!
Irish Soda Bread=Spotted Dog
Before I even go any further, I'm gonna share my recipe with you for the Roasted Corned Beef and Cabbage!
Roasted Corned Beef and Cabbage
source: by, Elisabeth
1- 3 to 3 and 1/2 lbs. Round Beef (with spices inc. in packet)
1 head of Cabbage quartered and core removed
1 or 2 sweet potatoes peeled and quartered
3 stalks of large carrots scraped
1 large sweet onion peeled, and cut in quarters
1 head of garlic with top cut off (optional)
2 cups from a (32 ozs Beef, or Vegetable Broth)
4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
Remove beef from plastic bag, wash and pat dry if bloody. In a 9x13 in. baking pan, or a small roasting pan, arrange the beef in the middle, empty the packet that has the seasoning spices, and rub it on top of the beef, patted down well, so it doesn't slide off. Sprinkle the extra virgin olive oil on top, and pat it down firmly. Arrange the vegetables around the pan, and also the garlic with the top cut off.
Sprinkle 1 Tblsp. of the oil on the garlic head and the rest, sprinkle around the vegetables. Add 1 cup of the broth around the vegetables, cover with Aluminum foil, and with a sharp knife slash some vents on the top of the foil.
Roast, or bake at preheated 425 degree oven for the first 25 minutes, remove the foil, and add the other 1 cup on top of the beef, and around the pan over the vegetables, but not the garlic. Lower temperature to 350 degrees...bake for another 30 minutes covered, and remove the aluminum foil....and bake for an additional 30 minutes uncovered until it gets a nice crust on the top and vegetables are roasted nicely. Let the roast rest for 15 minutes and slice across the grain. Serves 6-8 generously
Linking to:
Full Plate Thursday #372
Drága Elisabeth, Olyan jó hogy újra visszatértél, már nagyon hiányoztál. Többször benéztem, és az előző, karácsonyi bejegyzésedhez még akkor írtam is, de valamiért nem jelent meg. (reménykedem, hogy most sikerül majd elolvasnod) Nagyon finom ebédet készítettél. Én csak nagyon ritkán veszek marhahúst, akkor is pörkölt készül belőle bográcsban, de most nagyon megkívántam a remek recepted alapján. Nem tudom nálatok lehet-e kapni kelkáposztát,mert az nagyon finom még a hússal együtt sütve.Vigyázz magadra drága Elisabeth,és millió puszit küldök.
Kedves Gizike, Muszáj volt hogy vissza jöjjek, máskülömben le kellett volna zárni a 9 éves blogomat...hiszen ami 2009-ben volt először egy másik név alatt az el is keveredett valahol, és csak egy év után jelent meg ujra ezen a cim alatt. Nekem is nagyon hiányoztál, hiszen olyan sok évek óta...leg elejétöl fogva kapcsolatot tartottunk. Ez a marha hus kizárolag a Szent Patrick Ir napra készitettem. Mi sem eszünk sok marhahust, csak ritkán. A kelt káposztát inkább Ázsiai ételekben használjuk, de én is nagyon szeretem. Köszönöm kedves szavaidat, és okvetlen kapcsolatban maradok veled! Én is puszillak és ölellek, drága Gizike
The dinners looks amazing. I love to keep a roast in the oven long enough so it is very tender. I find with my roasting pan that can sometimes be awhile even at high temperature.
wow ... my mouth is watering terribly, Elisabeth. The corned beef looks so very tender and juicy and that soda bread is just out of this world!
What a lovely dish. I'd be honoured if you would share this with everyone over at Food on Friday: March. Cheers from Carole's Chatter
Hi Elizabeth! Welcome back! Look forward to enjoying your blog again.
Your corned beef rocks. The soda bread slathered in Irish butter would be divine.
Thank you Penny, as for a quality corned beef being roasted you have to be careful not to overcook or it will fall apart and the main thing is that you should be able to cut perfect slices!
Thank you Velva, I do enjoy blogging again, after a long absence...looking forward to staying in touch with you and sharing posts!
Hi Elisabeth,
I love the idea of roasting the Corned Beef and Vegetables. Those Vegetables look delicious, would love to taste them! Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for sharing your great post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
Miz Helen
Elisabeth, your roasted corned beef looks great! I know I would enjoy it as I love beef, however it is cooked. But I can't get this type of corned beef over here. The corned beef available is the canned one which is nothing like your corned beef.
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